Bunker and Lubricants News Round up – Issue 05
w/c: 1st June 2020
1741 days ago

World News – bunker fuels
Ocean shipping shrinks as pandemic pummels retailers
The $1 trillion container shipping industry is in a slowdown. Literally. Some shipping lines, whose retail customers are being hammered by the coronavirus pandemic, are reducing sailing speeds and taking longer routes around Africa, avoiding Suez canal passage fees, according to the companies and ship-tracking specialists. Read more: Business Insider
Bunker Holding’s Zederkof Warns of Coronavirus Impact on Bunker Credit
The bunker industry should expect a worsening impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on credit availability and the financial stability of counterparties, according to one of its most senior executives. Henrik Zederkof, senior director of Bunker Holding and the new chairman of IBIA, told a Ship & Bunker webinar last week that credit was becoming more scarce since the recent instability in Singapore. Read more: Ship & Bunker
Singapore VLSFO Price Jumps to 10-Week High
The price of very low sulfur fuel oil (VLSFO) in Singapore, the world’s largest bunkering hub, jumped to a 10-week high at the start of the month on signs of improving demand. Read more: Ship & Bunker
Canden becomes part of Glander International Bunkering
Canden Marine Fuel Services is rebranded as Glander International Bunkering (Montreal) from 1 June and becomes the ninth office in the group’s global network. Elza Adamyan, Sales Manager of the new Canadian office commented: ‘Moving into Glander International Bunkering will position us even stronger to meet demands and provide even higher levels of service for our clients. We are thrilled to integrate with Glander International Bunkering’s global teams of experts and long-term vision. Read more: Bunkerspot
World’s Largest Megaship Arrives in Europe
The 24,000 TEU-class HMM Algeciras arrived in Rotterdam today setting a new record as the largest ship to enter a European port. The ship arrived at Rotterdam’s Amaliahaven to transfer containers at the Rotterdam World Gateway (RWG) terminal after traveling from the Chinese port of Yantian on its maiden voyage. Read more: G Captain
Korean Shipyards Draw $20 Billion of Work From Qatar
Qatar has signed a deal worth around $20 billion with South Korean shipbuilders to help cement its position as the world’s largest producer of liquefied natural gas. Read more: Bloomberg
World News – marine lubricants
Fuel blends: ensuring proper cylinder maintenance
Speaking at a recent Riviera Maritime Media webinar on two-stroke engines and very low-sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO), Shell Marine Products’ global marine product app specialist John Schakel explained the importance of cylinder condition monitoring, which he described as being “more important than ever”. Read more: Rivieramm
Climate Change/Future Fuels
Rodolphe Saadé vows to make CMA CGM carbon neutral by 2050
Rodolphe Saadé was among a high-level Zoom panel speaking yesterday at the United Nations Global Compact gathering during which he vowed to make the French liner carbon neutral by 2050, treading a similar path to Maersk, which became the first carrier 18 months ago to set out a carbon neutral policy. Read more: Splash247
LNG fails to answer shipping’s big energy transition question
LNG has the shipping industry’s attention as the next step to meeting climate change goals. It’s already being used, investment is being poured in and LNG prices are likely to stay low for some time encouraging its use. However, its credentials as a clean alternative on the sea may not hold up. Read more: SP Global
Digital transformation
DNV GL: Covid-19 ‘turbo charging’ maritime digitalisation and innovation
Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, the CEO of DNV GL – Maritime, believes that, in rising to the meet the challenge of COVID-19, shipping has ‘turbo-charged’ its drive for innovation and ‘accelerated maritime digitalisation by half a decade’. The turbo-charge on technology will in turn speed up the maritime energy transition and the journey towards cleaner fuels. Read more: Bunkerspot
Port of Houston to trial PortXchange data sharing platform
The Greater Houston Port Bureau reports that it is set to launch a trial of the PortXchange port planning software system, first developed at the Port of Rotterdam, involving more than 20 maritime stakeholder companies. Read more: Smart Maritime Network
Number of shipping cyber attacks leaps 400% since February
Israeli maritime cyber security experts Naval Dome claim there has been a 400% spike in shipping-targeted hacks since February this year with the coronavirus pandemic leaving the sector very vulnerable. Read more: Splash24
Wärtsilä to supply Europe’s most modern simulator for inland shipping training
The technology group Wärtsilä has been contracted by the City of Duisburg, Germany, to provide the latest in simulator technology for inland waterway navigation. The simulator will consist of seven full mission bridges in two locations within Duisburg; six at the Schiffer-Berufskolleg Rhein vocational college, and one at the DST Development Centre for Ship Technology and Transport Systems. This will form the most modern inland simulator training facility in Europe. The order with Wärtsilä was placed in the first quarter of 2020. Read more: SeaNews
Accelerating Digitalisation of Maritime Trade and Logistics
Seaports are critical infrastructures to keep supply chains moving and economies across the world functioning. This becomes especially visible in times of global crisis. A great variety of business and government actors interact in port communities to ensure multimodal flows of vital medical and food supplies, critical agricultural products, energy streams and other goods and services reach their intended destinations in time. Read more: Sea News
Maritime Events and Initiatives
The Maritime Hybrid, Electric and Fuel Cells Webinar Week – concludes this week
The business case for fuel cells is gaining momentum. Understanding the key operational challenges is the key to driving wider uptake. This webinar will assess hydrogen fuel cells’ maritime potential and enable operators to plan and understand the options available and how to achieve a return on investment. Register for webinars: Rivieramm
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