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The Tug of War & Bunker Prices
95 weeks ago
As tensions between Russia and Ukraine continue, the shipping industry is feeling the effects in a major way.
2 Min read
Request Bunker Prices on-the-go
96 weeks ago
Why a What's App Chat Feature is Essential for the Shipping Industry
2 Min read
Quarterly Bunker Pricing Review
96 weeks ago
During the first quarter of 2023, the prices of marine fuels have been generally on an upward trend, particularly in February and March.
1 Min read
E-procurement onboard vessels: Bulugo and FrontM partner to further digitalise shipping
101 weeks ago
Bulugo partnership agreement that gives sea-going personnel the ability to procure bunker fuel and lubricants, digitally, onboard their vessel.
2 Min read
Marine Digitalisation: Buy or build your own technology?
105 weeks ago
Gone are the days when a decision was needed to embrace digitalisation or not. Digital initiatives have supercharged the maritime sector in abundance over the last couple of years. The question now is whether you should buy the technology you need from a third party or build it yourself.
4 Min read
Bulugo offers $20m finance facility for bunker and lubricant buyers
107 weeks ago
ANNOUNCEMENT: Whitehall Finance and Bulugo announce partnership offering buyers external unsecured finance of up to $20 million under an exclusive agreement
3 Min read
Why now is the time to enhance and streamline digital communication
110 weeks ago
As the world prepares to reopen the global economy from the shackles of COVID-19, businesses are faced with the reality of how to stay competitive. They must also consider how to respond with new methods of transacting, in the wake of a renewed drive to enhance and streamline communication. But how will the Maritime industry respond?
4 Min read
Shipping News Round Up – Issue 31
123 weeks ago
The International Maritime Organization (IMO), through its initial Greenhouse Gas Strategy, aims to halve shipping emissions by 2050, compared with 2008 levels.
3 Min read
The Digital Shift
165 weeks ago
Digitalisation of marine fuel and lubricants procurement didn’t catch on a decade ago, but Bulugo’s Grant Norton explains why now is the right time.
5 Min read
Carbon Emission Targets in the cloud of COVID-19
171 weeks ago
Has the rollout of the IMO's sulphur cap been overshadowed by the Covid-19 pandemic? If so, what's the impact on shipping globally?
3 Min read